Mastering the Art of Website Structure: Hierarchy Done Right!

Mastering the Art of Website Structure: Hierarchy Done Right! mobile friendly

Unlock the Secrets to a Well-Organised, User-Friendly, and SEO-Optimised Site

The Art of Website structure hierarchy is a crucial aspect of website development and design. It is the way in which the pages of your site are organised and linked together, and it is vital for creating an intuitive and user-friendly experience for your visitors. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some best practices for planning your site hierarchy, using breadcrumbs, and using simple, descriptive URLs.

Planning your site hierarchy, using breadcrumbs, and using simple, descriptive URLs are all crucial for creating an intuitive and user-friendly website structure. By following these best practices, you can make it easier for your visitors to find the information they need and improve your site’s SEO.

Bartholomew Omeonu

Planning Your Site Hierarchy

The first step in creating a well-structured website is to plan your site hierarchy. This involves determining the main categories and subcategories of your site and organising them in a logical and intuitive manner. This will make it easier for your visitors to find the information they need and will also help with SEO.

Using Breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs are a great way to help visitors understand the structure of your site and to navigate through it. They are typically located at the top of the page and show the path the visitor has taken to get to the current page. For example, if a visitor is on a product page, the breadcrumbs might show the categories they went through to get there (e.g. Home > Electronics > Mobile Phones > iPhone).

Using Simple, Descriptive URLs

Another important aspect of website structure hierarchy is the use of simple, descriptive URLs. URLs that are easy to read and understand are more likely to be clicked on and shared by visitors. They also make it easier for search engines to understand the content of your site. For example, a URL for a product page might be ““, which is easy to understand and also includes a keyword “Product” and “iphone-12”.

Art of Website Structure
Concentrated clever caucasian business man, with glasses, executive, programmer, company seo, manager, freelancer, sits at a desk with a laptop in coworking, works with documents, analyzing results

Best practices for URLs

  • Keep URLs as short as possible, while still being descriptive.
  • Use hyphens to separate words in URLs.
  • Use lowercase letters in URLs.
  • Try to include keywords in the URL.
  • Avoid using special characters in URLs.

Creating Useful 404 Pages

A 404 page is displayed when a visitor tries to access a page that doesn’t exist on your website. Instead of a plain “404 Error” page, it’s best practice to create a custom 404 page that provides useful information and options for the visitor. This could include a search bar, links to popular pages, or a contact form to report the broken link.

Key takeaways

In summary, website structure hierarchy is essential for creating an intuitive and user-friendly experience for your visitors. By planning your site hierarchy, using breadcrumbs, and using simple, descriptive URLs, Best practices for URLs and creating useful 404 pages, you can make it easier for your visitors to find the information they need and will also help with SEO.

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