With so many different social media platforms available, it can be overwhelming to determine which ones are the right platforms for your target audience. Each platform has its own unique features, audience demographics, and marketing opportunities, so it’s crucial to choose the right ones for your target audience.
Choosing the right platforms for your target audience is like choosing the right tools for a construction project – it’s essential for success. With a clear understanding of your audience and goals, you can strategically leverage each platform’s unique features to build connections, target new customers, and drive website traffic.”
Jared Coleman – Geeklab
Goal 1: Building Connections With Your Audience
The first goal of your social media strategy should be to build relationships with your existing customers. This requires you to be active and engaging on the platforms your customers are using. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram are great for this, as they allow you to share content and interact with your audience in real-time.

Goal 2: Targeting New Customers
The second goal of your social media strategy is to target new customers and expand your reach. This can be achieved by using platforms that have a large, diverse audience such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. These platforms are ideal for businesses that are looking to reach a wider range of potential customers.
Goal 3: Driving Traffic to Your Website
The final goal of your social media strategy is to drive traffic to your website. Platforms like TikTok and YouTube are ideal for this, as they allow you to create compelling content that can be shared across multiple platforms and attract new visitors to your site.
Key Takeaways
Choosing the right social media platforms is key to the success of your social media strategy. By focusing on building relationships with your audience, targeting new customers, and driving traffic to your website, you can achieve your business goals and reach your target audience effectively.